About Us
NADIA, a publisher that provides monthly publication of articles in all areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Healthcare, Business, Humanities, Environment and Education. Aims to foster innovative scientific research, eminent knowledge and become a prominent contributor to the research communities and societies.
NADIA journals are the impeccable room for you to publish your work in a fast up-front manner. We welcome submissions from all fields and any sources.

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We publish journals in various fields in which authors can choose from.

Medicine and Healthcare
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We stop at nothing
With the volume and ease of access of the scientific research aggregate across the world, it has at no time been more significant to continue building the reputation for quality journals and its papers.
We Love To Explore
Getting your paper published is just the start of your work’s journey into the world. We do all we can to maximize your work’s impact and provide guides to help you published your paper more easily.
We Take It Step-By-Step
Our publishing staff, all editors and reviewers, will guide you through the peer review and publication process.
We Keep It Simple
As a publisher, everything we do is to support the scientific community – so you can trust us to always act in your best interests, and get your work the international recognition that it deserves.
Your Dream. Our Mission.
We Believe In Hard Work And Dedication
We are the publisher that gives you access that is devoted to conveying your ideas and insights in a straightforward fashion, to as wide an audience as possible. Because you should concentrate on what you do best.
For Authors
All journals uphold a peer-reviewed, strict manuscript handling and secure editorial process that publishes significant original scientific research, plus reviews and analyses of current research.
For Reviewers
Reviewing is often an unnoticed and unrewarded assignment. The quality of every article printed in each issue of the journal depends on the dedication and commitment of our expert reviewers.
For Editors
Editors warrant the quality and integrity of articles published and significantly contribute to the Journal's standing and steadily upgrading the Journal criteria by handling thorough peer review.
Our Indexing
We are indexed with them
Our indexed journals is a reflection of its quality.