Volume 4, Number 2, 2016 August
- Modeling the Dynamics of Driver’s Dilemna Zone Perception Using Agent Based Modeling Techniques, Montasir Abbas and Sahar Ghanipoor Machiani (pp. 1-14).
- Infectious Disease and Hospital Surge Capacity Impacts on Urban Transportation, Evangelos I. Kaisar, James E. Coolahan, Roy P. Koomullil and Peter A. Averkiou (pp. 15-40).
- Modeling Gate Control Strategy for Traffic Management in Emergency Evacuation, Lei Bu, Feng Wang, Xuesong Zhou and Chuanzhong Yin (pp. 41-46).
- A Two-Stage Optimization Framework for Optimizing Large-Scale Vehicular Evacuation Routing and Scheduling Operation with Uninterrupted Traffic Flow, Xuechi Zhang and Ali Haghani (pp. 47-68).
- Optimizing Intermediate Crossovers and Ramp Closures for Hurricane Evacuation, Yohan Chang and Praveen Edara (pp. 69-80).
- The Impact of Traffic Incident Locations on a Metropolitan Evacuation, Karzan Bahaaldin, Ryan Fries, Michael Williamson and Mashrur A. Chowdhury (pp. 81-96).