Volume 6, Number 1, 2013 February
- Sealed-bid Auction Schemes using Threshold Cryptosystem, Wei-Chen Wu, Horng-Twu Liaw and Chih-Ta Yen (pp. 1-12).
- Character Recognition Using Matlab’s Neural Network Toolbox, Kauleshwar Prasad, Devvrat C. Nigam, Ashmika Lakhotiya and Dheeren Umre (pp. 13-20).
- Context-aware Alert Verification for Network Security using the Extension Method based on Basic-Elements, Hui Xu, Chunzhi Wang, Wei Liu and Xinlu Zong (pp. 21-30).
- Visualization Method of 3-D Data Field in the Higher Performance Volumetric-Swept Display System, Jian Yue, Chunlin Shen, Yuhui Zheng and Jin Wang (pp. 31-38).
- Learning Attitude and Its Effect on Applying Cloud Computing Service to IT Education, Chen-Feng Wu (pp. 39-48).
- Web-Enhanced Project Management Course, Tomas Ucol-Ganiron Jr. (pp. 49-60).
- An Approach to Test Generation for Web Applications, Pan Liu, Huaikou Miao, Hongwei Zeng and Lizhi Cai (pp. 61-76).