Bibliographic Information
- ISSN: (Print)
- ISSN: (Online)
- Publisher: NADIA
Journal Aims
JAEFM aims to facilitate and support research related to agricultural economics and farm management.
Our Journal provides a chance for academic and industry professionals to discuss recent progress in the areas of agricultural economics and farm management
Journal Topics
- Animal and Crop Production
- Risk Management
- Risk Aversion
- Animal Welfare
- Sustainability
- Precision Farming
- Portfolio Analysis
- Estate Planning
- Succession Planning
- Farmland Values
- Land Tenure and Rental
- Strategy
- Growth
- Budgeting
- Technology
- Efficiency and Productivity
- Cost of Capital
- Margin Hedging
- Decision Analysis
- Liquidity
- Marketing
- Hedging
- Crop Insurance
- Machinery
- Capital Budgeting
- Optimal Replacement
- Leasing
- Real Options
- Derivatives
- Farm Finance
- Capital Structure
- On-Farm Experiments
- Forming Expectations
- Contracting
- Agricultural Policy
- Input Markets
- Managing Inputs Use
- Custom Operations
- Organic Farming
- Direct Marketing
- Farmers’ Markets
- Input and Manure Management
- Price Forecasting
- Benchmarking
- Financial Forecasting
- Farm Human Resources
- Accounting and Taxation
- Farm Law
- Appraisal
- Cooperatives
- Teaching Farm Management
- Farm Management Case Studies
- Farm Simulation Modeling
- Farm Math Programming Models
Editorial Board
A noble working association is desirable amongst the editorial board and the journal.
Ethics and Malpractice
A peer-reviewed journal committed to ensuring the highest standards of publication ethics.
Authors Guidelines
Authors of original research articles are encouraged to submit the author's version of the accepted paper.
Our Indexing
Indexing of a journal provides better visibility of the journal with a wider user.
JAEFM publish articles in a annually basis.
Authors must submit their article directly to JAEFM Journal Online Submission System.
Special Issue Proposal
JAEFM invites Special Issue Proposal relating to any area of agricultural economics and farm management.
Journal Paper Template
Authors are required to following the correct paper formatting of this journal.