Volume 1, Number 2, 2020 December
- Perceived Competence of the Primary Education Administrative Staff in Thessaloniki, Greece Based on their Experience and the School District, Anastasiou Adamos (pp. 1-24).
- Action Research and Professional Community of Learning and Practice: A Dynamic Synergy of Educators Even During the Pandemic, Androusou Alexandra and Tsafos Vasilios (pp. 25-36).
- Identity, Creativity and Well-Being in German Schools of the Arts, Britta Klopsch (pp. 37-46).
- An Innovative Approach to Teacher Education: Examination of the Experientiality’s Efficiency in Teacher Education Programs in AUEB, HGSE and SGSE, Brinia Vasiliki, Antonopoulou Konstantina and Katsionis Christos (pp. 47-58).
- Challenges in Building a Virtual Community of Learning and Practice in Psychology in Times of Pandemic, Wilsa Maria Ramos, Cristiane Faiad, Alice Miranda Bentes, Beatriz Louzada Guedes Carneiro Fontoura, Bruno Porto Soares Oliveira, Hebert Rocha de Jesus, Mozaniel Mendes Pereira Lima, Natália Tatsch Wiesiolek, Polliana Teixeira Silva and Roberta Assunção (pp. 59-74).
- A Qualitative Analysis on Korean History Test of College Scholastic Ability Test in South Korea, Jihye Bae (pp. 75-92).