Volume 11, Number 11, 2018 November
- A Multi-homing Based Framework Against Denial of Service Open Threat Signaling in Healthcare Environment, Piyush Yadav and Rajeev Agrawal (pp. 1-18).
- Location of High Impedance Faults in Distribution Systems using Fuzzy Logic Technique, Gogula Vyshnavi and Avagaddi Prasad (pp. 19-28).
- Robotics Evolution: from Remote Brain to Cloud, Alaa F. Sheta, Nazeeh Ghatasheh, Hossam Faris and Ali Rodan (pp. 29-42).
- Analysis of Exponential and Polynomial Load models using Newton-Raphson Method with Hybrid Power Flow Controller, Seshapalli Sai Ram*, Suresh Babu Daram1, P.S.Venkataramu2 and M. S. Nagaraj (pp. 43-56).
- Predicting School Participation in Indonesia using Back-Propagation Algorithm Model, Budiharjo, Triyuni Soemartono, Agus Perdana Windarto and Tutut Herawan (pp. 57-68).