Bibliographic Information
- ISSN: 2233-7857 (Print)
- ISSN: 2207-9645 (Online)
- Publisher: NADIA
Advisory/Editorial Boards
- Ambili. Mechoor, Sahrdaya College of Engineering and Technology, India
- Andreas J. Kassler, Karlstad University, Sweden
- Andres Iglesias, Cantabria University, Spain
- Andrzej Jajszczyk, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
- Antonio Muñoz, University of Málaga, Spain
- Arun Singh, Saudi Electronic University, Saudi Arabia
- Awos Ali, Loughborough University, UK
- Clement Leung, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
- Damien Sauveron, University of Limoges, France
- David Cheung, The University of Hong Kong, China
- Debasri Chakraborty, West Bengal University of Technology, India
- Driss Mammass, Ibn Zohr University, Morocco
- Fevzi Belli, University of Paderborn, Germany
- Gang Pan Zhejiang University, China
- Ghulam Shabir, Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
- Gianluigi Ferrari University of Parma Italy
- Gordana Jovanovic Dolecek, Institute INAOE, Mexico
- Hamidah Ibrahim, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
- Haroon Rasheed, Bahria University Karachi, Pakistan
- Huan Zhou, China Three Gorges University, China
- Huirong Fu, Oakland University, USA
- Imad Jawhar, United Arab Emirates University, UAE
- Izzet Kale, University of Westminster, England
- J. Vigo-Aguiar, Univ. Salamanca, Spain
- Janusz Kacprzyk, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
- Jean-Michel Dricot, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
- Jharna Majumdar, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, India
- Jiann-Liang Chen National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan
- Jordi Forne, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
- Julio Cesar Hernandez-Castro Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
- Kamaljit I. Lakhtaria, Atmiya Institute of Technology & Science, India
- Labib Francis Gergis, Misr Academy for Engineering and Technology, Egypt
- Lean Yu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
- Lei Shu, National University of Ireland, Galway
- Luis Javier Garcia Villalba, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
- Manuela Pereira de Sousa, Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
- Marc Lacoste, France Telecom Division R&D, France
- Marius-Constantin Vochin, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
- Matthias Reuter, CUTEC GmbH / TU-Clausthal, Germany
- Mazdak Zamani, Felician University, USA
- Michel Deza, ENS, France
- Mohammad Riaz Moghal, Ali Ahmad Shah-University, Pakistan
- Muneer Bani Yassein, Glasgow University, UK
- Naoyuki Kubota, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
- Ngoc Tu Nguyen, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
- P D Solanki, L D College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India
- Petr Ivaniga, University of Zilina, Slovakia
- Phalgunii Gupta, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
- Poompat Saengudomlert, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
- PR Parthasarathy, Technical University of Karlsruhe, Germany
- Riadh Dhaou, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France
- Robert Goutte, Lyon University, France
- Roger Nkambou, University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada
- Rosslin John Robles, University of San Agustin, Philippines
- Sara Paiva, Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo, Portugal
- Sim Melo de Sousa, Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
- Slim Chokri University of Manouba, Tunisia
- Sun-Yuan Hsieh, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
- Vincenzo De Florio, University of Antwerp, Belgium
- Weizhe Zhang, Harbin Institute and Technology, China
- Winai Jaikla, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand
- Xiaochun Cheng, Middlesex University, UK
- Yi Gu, Middle Tennessee State University, USA
- Yi Zhong, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
- Young B. Choi, Regent University, USA
- Yuh-Min Tseng, National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan
- Yu Hua Huazhong, University of Science and Technology, China
- Zhi Liu, Shizuoka University, Japan
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