Volume 9, Number 1, 2020 March
- A Review on TPACK Implementation for Preservice Teacher, Dhian Dwi Nur Wenda, Zuhdan Kun Prasetyo and Muhammad Nur Wangid (pp. 1-10).
- Accessibility Infringement Facts Children Specifically Needs In Following Education in Inclusive Primary School, Ibnu Syamsi (pp. 11-18).
- Increasing Healthy Lifestyle through Science Teaching Tools 5E Model, Luh Mitha Priyanka, Insih Wilujeng and I Nyoman Selamat (pp. 19-28).
- A Case Study on Korean Grammar Education using Action Learning, Hee-Eun, An (pp. 29-34).
- The Development Pattern Trends for Two Topics of Steam Program, Seungyon-Seny Lee (pp. 35-40).