Volume 11, Number 3, 2017 March
- A Social Popularity Based Probabilistic Routing in Delay Tolerant Network, Jianbo Li, Youmei Song and Shan Jiang (pp. 1-16).
- Data Encryption using Advanced Encryption Standard with Key Generation by Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman, Samiksha Sharma and Vinay Chopra (pp. 17-28).
- Dynamic Analysis on the Volatility of China Stock Market Based on CSI 300: A Financial Security Perspective, Xiongbing Chen and Ning Zhang (pp. 29-38).
- Technique to Generate Variable Keys with Key Variation with Noise Burst Bit for Achieving Perfect Security in Cryptology towards Optimum Data Transfer, Moumita Das, Rajat Subhra Goswami, Manash P Dutta, S. K. Chakraborty and C. T. Bunia (pp. 39-50).
- Empirical Research on Network Size and Technological Progress, Yabin Zhang, Qiang Chen and Tianli Xiong (pp. 51-60).
- An Approach to Generate Variable Keys based on Vertical Horizontal Mechanism, Chukhu Chunka, Rajat Subhra Goswami, Subhasish Banerjee and Chandan T Bhunia (pp. 61-70).
- An Efficient Cloud-Assisted Message Authentication Scheme in Wireless Body Area Network, Huaijin Liu and Yonghong Chen (pp. 71-80).
- Automatic Extract Clone Genealogy to Analysis Software Evolution Process, Chen Zhuo, Zhang Li-ping and Hou Min (pp. 81-94).
- Securing the Security System, Sabah Al-Fedaghi (pp. 95-108).